Category: Medical Device Safety Act

KVUE Medical Device Dangers

Medical Device Dangers: A Special KVUE Broadcast

Do you have hip implants, breast implants, mesh, or an implantable spinal cord stimulator? Watch and learn about problems with these devices and how the FDA approves and regulates them.  You can learn more about this special investigative report at KVUE.

MDSA 2019 Rosa DeLauro

Citizen Push for Medical Device Safety Act

The Medical Device Safety Act H.R.2669 (#MDSA) was reintroduced May 10, 2019!  It is time for a new push to gain support for this important bill. We need co-sponsors for the bill in the House and a companion bill to be introduced in the Senate.  See our instructions below to learn how you can help support … Continued

Medical Device Problems

Patients Harmed By Medical Devices Rally Lawmakers

1 in 10 Americans will rely on a medical device in their lifetime More than 150 medical devices in the US are currently protected from liability The Medical Device Safety Act H.R 2669 would restore a patient’s rights to seek restitution if harmed or killed by a medical device   FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – Washington, … Continued